My Blood Pressure

My Blood Pressure

My Blood Pressure is software that: 1) Reminds you to take a blood pressure reading
Latest version 2.0
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My Blood Pressure 1.00 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
2717 KB
Review date
1 October 2004

    If you need to be constantly reminded to take your blood pressure readings and if you haven’t used the machine for some time, then this is the time to take control. My Blood Pressure is new software made for this purpose only. With this software, you only need to worry about your readings not the reminders.
    This software once installed will immediately start by reminding you when it is time to take a reading. It will run in your computer's system tray area and will keep reminding you to take a blood pressure reading at a set time each day, or a number of times throughout the day. Entering a reading into this software is quicker and easier than using paper and pen. The software automatically enters the current date and time and displays the numbers of your last reading. All you need to enter is your systolic (higher reading) and diastolic (lower reading). While you are at it, you can also print a professional chart with all your readings. This can help you maintain table of your blood pressure history for your doctor. You can also email the report to your doctor, or save it to your hard drive.
    This software is yours to use for a very low price and you can save a lot of time.